
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Australia increases development assistance to Indonesia

Antara News, Wed, May 11 2011

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Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Australian Government will increase its development assistance to Indonesia from Rp923 billion in 2010-2011 to Rp5.15 trillion for the 2011-2012 period.

"The increase in aid funding demonstrates Australia`s long-term commitment to reducing poverty and achieving sustainable development in Indonesia,"Australian Ambassador to Indonesia Greg Moriarty said in press release here Wednesday.

Ambassador Moriarty said that the Australian aid program will focus on alleviating poverty through social protection programs, supporting governance reforms, and improving poor people`s access to health, education, transportation, clean water and sanitation facilities.

Australia will support Indonesia achieve its goal of giving every Indonesian child good basic education.

The aid will improve education for more than 500,000 Indonesian children by building schools and improving the quality of their education, including for those with disabilities and children in poor and remote areas.

"Australia recognizes that sustainable and equitable economic growth in Indonesia can improve livelihoods, create job opportunities and raise household income. This is why we will increase our commitment to Indonesia by improving access to essential infrastructure services such as water, sanitation and transportation," he said.

Moriarty said that Australia has strong connections with the people and communities in Indonesia, and will continue providing assistance in the wake of emergencies and disasters, as well as help promote sustainable growth.

Today`s announcement reaffirms Australia`s ongoing commitment to scale up its development assistance program to 0.5 percent of the Gross National Income in 2015 and 2016.

The Australian Government remains committed to ensuring that every dollar spent on aid in Indonesia has the maximum impact on poverty eradication and economic development.

Editor: Aditia Maruli

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