
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Trans Java toll road advances

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Investors of Trans Java will speed up the land clearing for the Trans Java-toll road project to start. construction in 2008, an official said.

The 1,500 kilometer-Trans Java road, which would link Jakarta and Surabaya, is a continuation of existing toll roads between Merak and Cikampek, Cikampek and Bandung, in Cirebon, Semarang and Surabaya.

The project, which is expected to finish in 2009, still has road segments of 643 kilometers to build, including Semarang-Demak (Central Java), Cileunyi-Sumedang (West Java), Cilegon-Bojonegara (Banten), Sukabumi-Ciranjang (West Java), Yogyakarta-Solo, Mantingan-Ngawi (East Java), Ngawi-Kertosoro (East Java) and Surabaya-Mojokerto (East Java).

Head of toll road management agency Hisnu Pawenang said on Sunday the Ministry of Finance had allocated Rp 4.4 trillion for the land clearing, of which Rp 600 billion had been disbursed in 2007.

"The Ministry of Finance has agreed to give additional funds of Rp 3.8 trillion (about US$408.6 million) for the land clearing in 2008," he said.

PT Nujiwa Sumo Agung, one of the toll road contractors for the Surabaya-Mojokerto segment, had finished 50 percent of the land clearing and used half of the fund provided by the Ministry of Finance, he said.

He said another contractor PT Semesta Marga Raya, the most progressive investor, had nearly finished the land clearing and was preparing to start the construction of its turnpike project between Kanci in Cirebon, West Java and Pejagan in Central Java.

"We have cleared around 70 percent of the total land so ... clearing will probably finish next month at the latest," said director of the company Harya M. Hidayat.

State-owned toll road managing company PT Jasa Marga has finished 108.8 kilometers from the total length of 506 kilometers segment from Jakarta to Solo.

Jasa Marga said it will also construct a 75.5 kilometer segment from Semarang to Solo (Central Java) with an investment of Rp 6,135 trillion while PT Semesta Marga Raya said it will construct a 34 kilometers segment from Kanci in Cirebon to Pejagan in Central Java with an investment of Rp 2.09 trillion.

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