
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Teachers to be certified by 2015

PADANG, West Sumatra (Jakarta Post): The Education Ministry has said it aims to complete certification of 2.7 million teachers across the country by 2015.

The plan was announced by the director general in charge of improving education quality and manpower, Fasli Jalal, before some 120 teachers at a meeting Saturday in West Pasaman regency, West Sumatra.

He said this year they aimed to certify 200,000 teachers and 200,000 more next year.

"This program is important because certified teachers will receive an additional allowance equal to their basic allowance," he said.

Despite the target, "the program will run based on the government's financial ability," Fasli said.

The government has set aside Rp 2.8 trillion for the program in next year's budget to pay the additional allowance to teachers who gained certification in 2007, he said.

"Over 15 years we will require Rp 57 trillion to provide additional allowances to teachers."

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