
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Nemangkawi Mining Institute: Planning for the future

Jakarta Post

The Institut Pertambangan Nemangkawi (Nemangkawi Mining Institute), worth more than US $11 million, was established in 2003.

"The goal of the institute is to provide pre-apprentice, apprenticeship and advanced career opportunities, primarily for Papuans," reads the institute's student brochure titled From Will to Skill.

PT Freeport Indonesia granted the building and operating funds to develop the world-class mining institute, which is located outside Timika. Its annual operating costs are between $7 million and $10 million, according to the institute's Papuan-born superintendent -- and another woman in a leading role -- Vivi Ayorbaba.

Vivi said the institute was built by Freeport Indonesia apprentices; further development is ongoing, including additional wings and underground training simulation tunnels.

The project is part of Freeport's 2007 commitment of $8.6 million for underground equipment and the expansion of the Underground Training School in the highlands and the Nemangkawi institute.

"Having the apprentices build this takes a lot longer, but all the trades -- such as electrical, mechanical and building -- possess the hands-on experience of creating this. There is great pride in this achievement," she said.

Ensuring the highest possible rate of participation by seven Papuan sukus, the institute offers pre-apprenticeship training that addresses literacy and numeric skills. This opportunity enables individuals -- who may otherwise have fallen through the education net -- to gain the needed skills to take their place in full employment.

Rather than using traditional tests, the institute uses the Q-test ability testing format.

To maintain its standing as one of the best mining institutes in the world, the Nemangkawi Mining Institute has a strict 100 percent achievement score. To date, 2,000 students have passed through its doors; 90 percent of graduates and ongoing apprentices are Papuans, said Vivi.

The Nemangkawi institute offers free apprenticeship training over three years combining on-the-job training with Freeport Indonesia's Grasberg mine and classroom training sessions.

At the end of their apprenticeships, however, students are not indentured to the company that funded their education and paid a monthly stipend of at least Rp 1.5 million.

"They have the choice of working with PT Freeport or choosing to work for other mining companies across the country or overseas. These apprentices hold world-class tickets in their fields," said Vivi.

The apprentices' skills are already being noticed by companies in Australia, which are wooing potential employees from among the institute's graduates.

"All the apprentices are trained under best practice models. This includes not only manual work such as heavy equipment and electrical trades, but also Master of Business Administration (degrees) in association with the Bandung Institute of Technology and ... the Business Administration Program at the Semarang State Polytechnic," Vivi explained.

Through the Nemangkawi institute and other affirmative action programs, PT Freeport Indonesia has expanded the number of its Papuan employees from 600 in 1996 to more than 4,000 this year.

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