
Monday, October 01, 2007

Aceh administration ready to take over BRR`s duties

Banda Aceh (ANTARA News) - The Aceh provincial administration is ready to take over the duties of the Aceh-Nias Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) whose tenure will end in 2009, a spokesman said.

"Starting from now, some of the BRR`s duties will already be transferred to the provincial administration. Despite all our shortcomings and weaknesses, we are ready to accept those duties," Rahman Lubis, head of the Provincial Development Planning Board (Bappeda), said on Monday.

Meanwhile, the dean of the Faculty of Law of Syiah Kuala University, Mawardi Ismail, said the transfer of duties from BRR to the provincial administration should be done in ways that were well-integrated.

"The provincial administration`s readiness to take over in a shrinking period is absolutely required if the transfer is to be completed on time," he added.

He also recalled that the BRR was established because the Aceh provincial administration was in a paralyzed state following the December 2004 tsunami.

The BRR was designated to reconstruct what was destroyed in the disaster and later hand the results of its work over to the provincial government. The BRR also had the task of preparing the provincial administration eventually to take over its tasks, he said.

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