
Monday, September 17, 2007

Truba, Mitsubishi agree to form consortium to build Muara Karang power plant

The Jakarta Post

JAKARTA (Antara): PT Truba Jaya Engineering and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. signed an agreement in Japan over the weekend to form a consortium to build a combined cycle power plant (PLTGU) to replace three units of thermal power plants (PLTU) in Muara Karang, North Jakarta.

"We signed the agreement on Sept 13," Arifin Wiguna, president director of PT Truba Manunggal, the holding company of PT Truba Jaya Engineering, said Monday.

The agreement was a follow up to a contract signed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd and state electricity company PLN in July 2007.

The project aims to replace three units of the PLTUwhich had a capacity of 300 megawatts with PLTGU which would have a capacity of 700 megawatts.

The three PLTU units had been operational for more than 30 years.

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