
Monday, September 17, 2007

Bank Mega to lend Rp 1.3 trillion for infrastructure projects

The Jakarta Post

JAKARTA (Antara): Publicly-listed Bank Mega plans to earmark a syndicated loan worth at least Rp 1.3 trillion (US$145 million) for power plant and toll road development in Indonesia, a spokesman said.

"A syndicated loan of Rp 1 trillion will be set aside for power plant development in East Kalimantan and the rest for turnpike development projects in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi," Bank Mega director for credit affairs Daniel Budirahaju said Monday.

"We hope the syndicated loan can be disbursed late this year," he said.

Daniel said Bank Mega also planned to channel Rp 3 trillion to the small and medium entrepreneur sector until late this year.

The bank had set a target of disbursing credits of Rp 17.6 trillion this year, he said.

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