
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

PLN: 2,358 Mw PLTAs enter construction stage

Antara News, Tue, May 24 2011

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Jakarta (ANTARA News) - State-owned power company PT PLN said that hydroelectric power plants (PLTAs) with a total capacity of 1,358 MW have entered the construction and procurement stages.

PLN`s planning and technology director Nasri Sebayang said on the sidelines of a hearing with Commission VII of the House of Representatives in Jakarta on Monday that 1,204 MW of the total is part of the accelerated construction of power plants with a total capacity of 10,000 MW, second stage.

"The remaining 1,154 MW is outside the 10,000 MW project," he said.

He added that the projects included in the 10,000 MW power plants are 1,000 MW PLTA Jawa Barat, 174 MW Asahan-3, and 30-MW Simpang Aur.

Other than the 10,000 MW there are eight PLTAs with a total capacity of 695 MW, namely Poso 195 MW, Wampu 45 MW, Peusangan-2 88 MW, Genyem 20 MW, Malea 90 MW, Bontobatu 100 MW, Jatigede 110 MW, and Rajamandala 47 MW.

In the meantime, micro power plants (PLTM) under construction by private companies have a capacity of 435 MW and by PLN 24 MW.

Nasri also said that seven PLTA and PLTM projects are in the stage of design totaling 624 MW, including three PLTAs with a capacity of 541 MW and those in stage of tender documents are Merangin 350 MW, Jambi, Kusan 65 MW, Kalsel, and Bakaru-2 126 MW, South Sulawesi.

"Four other projects are in the stage of design preparations and tender documents with a total capacity of 83 MW, they are PLTA Beh 27 MW, NTB, PLTA Sawangan 16 MW, North Sulawesi, PLTA Warsamson 31 MW, Papua Barat, and PLTM Way Rancang 9 MW, East Nusa Tenggara.

In the meantime, he added, 15 other power plant projects with a capacity of 1,022 MW are still in the stage of feasibility studies. They are nine PLTAs built by private companies Karama 350 MW, West Sulawesi, Batu 100 MW, South Sulawesi, Lawe Mamas 90 MW, Aceh, and Umpu 15 MW, Lampung.

Then came PLTA Besai-2 40 MW, Lampung, Semung 25 MW, Lampung, Semangka 35 MW, Lampung, Hasang 30 MW, North Sumatra, Asahan 4 and 5 60 MW, North Sumatra.

Six other projects with a capacity of 277 MW built by PLN, namely Peusangan-4 27 MW, Aceh, Tala 50 MW, Maluku, Baliem-2 50 MW, Papua, Way Rancang 9 MW, NTT, Simanggo 86 MW, N Sumatra, and Masang 55 MW, also N Sumatra.

Under the general plan on power supply (RUPTL) for the 2010-2019 period, 73 projects with a total capacity of 5,140 MW will be built.

The hydropower in Indonesia has a total potential of 75,670 MW, including 22,371 MW in Papua and 16,844 MW in South Kalimantan, and Central Kalimantan.

Editor: B Kunto Wibisono

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