
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Indonesia reopens to Dutch onions, Tom Bicknell, 27 April 2011

A new treatment programme has reopened the Indonesian market to Dutch onions after a two-year hiatus

Indonesia has reopened to Dutch onions after two years, following work by Dutch exporters on treatment for stem nematode.

After closing in 2009 as part of an Indonesian zero tolerance policy, the market was reopened as of 18 April, according to Dutch group the Foundation for Promotion of Onions (SAU).

The organisation coordinated with the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation to develop a treatment programme for the Ditylenchus dipsaci stem nematode that fit Indonesian requirements.

The programme involves treatment with maleic hydrazide (MH).

Indonesia demands high-quality onions and is willing to pay corresponding prices, the SAU said in a statement, and the market’s peak demand reportedly runs over the first few months of the Dutch season.

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