
Thursday, March 17, 2011

RI sending mitigation team, US$2 million in aid to Japan

Antara News, Wed, March 16 2011

Marty also said Indonesia was also helped by Japan every time it was hit by a natural disaster and it was very reasonable and appropriate if on this occasion Indonesia assisted Japan in its time of need.

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Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian government is sending a disaster mitigation team and two million US dollars in aid to help Japan recover from its recent disaster, Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said.

Speaking at a press conference with Japan`s Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Makiko Kikuta at the Foreign Affairs Ministry here Wednesday, Marty said the 11-member disaster mitigation team would depart on Thursday, March 17, 2010.

Along with the disaster mitigation team, the Indonesian government would send funds for disaster aid amounting to two million US dollars.

"Besides sending a disaster mitigation team that is to be dispatched tomorrow (Thursday, March 17) consisting of approximately 11 people from Indonesia, the Indonesian government has also decided to provide a two million US dollar donation or contribution to the Japanese people and government," said Marty.

Marty also said Indonesia was also helped by Japan every time it was hit by a natural disaster and it was very reasonable and appropriate if on this occasion Indonesia assisted Japan in its time of need.

"In situations like this where an extraordinary natural disaster has occurred, we must not think as a country only but also as one humanitarian act that move together hand in hand in cooperation to assist the revival of the Japanese people," said Marty.

The arrival of Japan`s Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Makiko Kikuta to Indonesia is to co-chair with Indonesia in the ASEAN Regional Forum Disaster Relief (ARF DiREx) which opened on Wednesday in Manado, North Sulawesi, and the "Priority Metropolitan Area" event, Kikuto is determined to make a success out of these two activities.

"In this visit I also met with Indonesian Vice President Boediono and a number of ministers who expressed their concerns and condolences for what happened in Japan," said Kikuta.

According to Kikuta, the Government of Japan highly appreciated Indonesian attitude in providing concrete assistance in the current Japanese situation where the situation is still chaotic after being hit by a 9-magnitude earthquake and tsunami.

The disaster is reported to cost almost 1000 casualties and about 2000 people are stated missing.

Until now the Indonesian government through its Embassy in Tokyo also had to deploy evacuation team for the citizens and to assist the Japanese government in overcoming the impact of natural disasters.

"I appreciate a lot for Indonesian support and assistance. Indonesia has managed to rise from some natural disaster that passed earlier, and then the people of Japan are also sure to rise again after this disaster," said Kikuta.

Editor: Heru

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