
Friday, February 18, 2011

Genting Unit Discovers Gas in Indonesia

Jakarta Globe, Bambang Djanuarto | February 18, 2011

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Genting Bhd.’s exploration unit discovered natural gas in the Kasuri block in the Indonesian province of West Papua, said Elan Biantoro, a spokesman at Indonesia’s oil and gas regulator BPMigas.

Genting Oil and Gas Ltd. found the gas at the Asap-1X exploration well with a potential flow rate of 100 million cubic feet a day, Biantoro said by phone from Jakarta today. The discovery was earlier reported by Upstream publication.

“We hope the discovery will help us increase gas production to meet increasing domestic demand,” Biantoro said. The Kuala Lumpur-based company completed the drilling test at three layers of the block on Jan. 28, he said.

Genting Oil, which has four oil and gas projects in Indonesia, won rights from the Indonesian government to explore the Kasuri block in May 2008. It also operates in China and Morocco, according to information on the parent’s Web site.


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