
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Govt plans new toll road to Bali airport before APEC Summit

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Tue, 01/11/2011

On Tuesday, the government announced plans to build a toll road in Bali connecting Nusa Dua airport with the rest of the island.

“We have agreed to build the Sarangan - Nusa Dua toll road, spanning 11.5 kilometers, in Bali," State-Owned Enterprises Minister Mustafa Abubakar said Tuesday after meeting Coordinating Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa.

“The toll road will not curve but cut from the airport to Benoa. It will also cut from the airport to Sarangan," he added.

Four state-owned enterprises, PT Jasa Marga, PT Pelindo III, PT Angkasa Pura, and the Bali Tourism Development Board, would form a consortium that would oversee the construction of the road.

“The four state-owned enterprises will work together to manage [the construction of] the toll road so it won't be necessary to use the state budget [APBN]. All funds, amounting to Rp 1.4 trillion to Rp 1.6 trillion, will come from the state-owned enterprises,” Mustafa said.

He added that the construction would begin in January, and has been targeted for completion by May 2013.

"We hope this road will be complete before the APEC Summit in Bali in 2013," he said.

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