
Monday, January 03, 2011

China to build seaports and airports in Papua

Nani Afrida, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Mon, 01/03/2011

Nine Chinese companies are interested in building seaports and airports in Papua and West Papua, an official said in Jakarta on Monday.

“Chinese ambassadors will bring nine Chinese companies to Papua and West Papua on Jan. 5 to see directly what kind of transportation investments would be feasible there,” Transportation Minister Freddy Numberi said, adding that the governors of Papua and West Papua would also present investment opportunities in the provinces.

According to Freddy, the companies have shown interest in Sorong, Biak, and Jayapura, with the port in Jayapura likely to only handle containers.

“This is in line with the need of investment in Papua and West Papua,” he said.

He added that some Chinese investors might refurbish airports in Manokwari, Timika, Biak and Sorong.

“We plan to upgrade those airports to become international ones,” Freddy said.

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