
Monday, November 22, 2010

RI admits lack of cooperation with Saudi over migrant workers

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Mon, 11/22/2010 9:54 AM

The Indonesian government has admitted it proposed but never signed a draft of a memorandum of understanding intended to improve protection for Indonesian migrant workers in Saudi Arabia, a top official says.

Manpower and Transmigration Ministry Secretary-General Setyoko said Sunday that Indonesia had a long time ago proposed a legal basis to guarantee protection for Indonesian migrant workers in Saudi Arabia.

“We proposed the MoU a long time ago. But, the agreement requires the political will from both parties to sit together and cooperate,” Setyoko said as quoted by

Setyoko declined to comment on why both Indonesian and Saudi Arabian had not signed the agreement.

“We keep trying to use our diplomatic channels to talk about the issue. We are still waiting for the outcome of the talks,” he said.

“We will also invite the Saudi Arabian manpower ministry to discuss the draft of the agreement as soon as possible,” he added.

More than 4,300 Indonesian migrant workers were currently facing hardship, ranging from illness to sexual abuse, the Indonesian government said earlier.

That number constitutes 0.1 percent of the total 3.27 million Indonesian migrant workers worldwide.

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