
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Taxi company leaves Pertamina, shifts to Shell

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Wed, 07/28/2010 9:32 AM

Taxi company PT Gamya Taksi Group is negotiating a cooperation agreement with PT Shell Indonesia after 270 units or one fourth of its fleet could not operate due to broken fuel pumps.

Gamya President Director Mintarsih A Latief said replacing the taxis’ fuel tanks would not solve the problem if the cause of the damage was still around gasstations selling subsidized fuel produced by state oil and gas company PT Pertamina.

“There is no guarantee that the same problem will not recur if we change the fueltanks,” she told Kontan business daily on Tuesday.

Preliminary investigation found that the Pertamina fuel bought from gas stations in Kreo,Pondok Bambu and on Jl. TB Simatupang contained sulfur. Gamya claims to have lost up to Rp 162 million in revenue per day due to the damage.

As of Tuesday 50 taxis could not operate due to limited stock of fuel pump components.

Mintarsih said the use of high-octane fuel from Shell would force her company to increase service fee. “If we cannot find another way, we will have to increase thetariff,” she added.

The multinational oil company only sells non-subsidized fuels.

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