
Friday, July 30, 2010

House speaker agrees with idea to move Indonesia's capital

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Fri, 07/30/2010 4:11 PM

House of Representatives Speaker Marzuki Alie agreed on Friday with an idea to move Indonesia's capital from Jakarta to somewhere in Central Kalimantan.

“It is good if it (the capital) is moved. If it is located in the middle (of the country), it will surely be easily accessible from everywhere – the east, the west,” he said as quoted by news portal after attending a plenary session at the House in Jakarta.

The main reason (to move the capital), Marzuki said, is for the sake of efficiency as Jakarta can no longer bear the burden of acute traffic jams. “Whatever is done, it will just move around there,” said Marzuki, deputy chairman of the patron board of the Democratic Party.

Moving the capital will be followed by all the country's administration offices, he said, so that Jakarta will purely become a commercial business city. “The current presidential palace can be used like Bank Indonesia museum for tourism purposes,” he said.

Marzuki further said that moving the capital will be the domain of the government. “The House of Representatives will be in charge of preparing its legislation and regulations,” he said, expressing confidence the process of moving the capital will be able to be completed within five years.

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