
Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Purwakarta, Yogyakarta best regions to invest this year

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Wed, 12/09/2009 7:38 PM

Purwakarta regency in West Java and Yogyakarta city in the special province of Yogyakarta were named the best regions Wednesday in terms of efforts to attract investment in 2009.

Purwakarta regency won the award in the regency category, after beating Sidoarjo in East Java which finished second, Sragen in Central Java in third place, Jembrana in Bali, Kudus in Central Java and Bangka in Bangka Belitung.

Tourist destination Yogyakarta managed to take the city category after edging out West Java’s Cimahi which came second, third place West Java’s capital of Bandung, West Java’s Banjar, Bali capital of Denpasar, and North Sulawesi’s Bitung.

The awards were presented during the 2009 Investment Awards held by the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), in collaboration with the Regional Autonomy Watch (KPPOD) and business daily Bisnis Indonesia.

“The winners have convinced us that they have successfully created a friendly atmosphere for investors,” KPPOD executive director Agung Pambudi said, adding that he hoped the awards would inspire other regions to enhance their bureaucracy and streamline other investment-related procedures in order to attract more investors. (bbs)

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