
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Two New Bridges to Be Built in Kalimantan

Wednesday, 01 April, 2009 | 12:49 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Surabaya: After completing the Suramadu bridge that connect Surabaya city and Madura island, the government plans to build similar bridges in Kalimantan.

“The bridges are the Tayan bridge and the Musi bridge,” said Director General of Bina Marga Hermanto Dadak at the Suramadu launching last night (31/3).

Hermanto explained that the Tayan bridge would be a one-kilometer bridge that connects the south side of Kalimantan island.

It will support access to the road that connects Indonesia, Kucing in Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam.

“The construction will be started soon,” said Hermanto.

While the government is still looking for the right location for the Musi bridge.


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