
Thursday, March 12, 2009

World’s Maritime Experts Gather in Manado

Thursday, 12 March, 2009 | 18:08 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta:The results of the 2009 World Ocean Conference (WOC) in Manado will be brought to the United Nations’ Conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen, Denmark, this December. “The conference in Manado will discuss the role of oceans in the global climate change,” said Indroyono Soesilo, National Committee secretary of the conference, which will take place in May 11 – 15, 2009.

At the 13th Climate Change Conference in Bali on December 2007, the discussion on oceans’ role was minimal. Indonesia then took the initiative to host the WOC. The maritime conference in Manado is the first to take place and is planned to be held annually. Meanwhile, the Climate Change Conference has been held 14 times, the last one being in Poznan, Poland, last December. The conference in Copenhagen is very important as it becomes the new basic reference when the Kyoto Protocol ends.

Until yesterday, 700 delegates from 146 countries confirmed their preparedness to come to Manado, North Sulawesi. Also to attend the event will be the presidents of member countries of the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI), including Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, East Timor, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. CTI partners, the United States and Australia also plan to attend. However, the US delegation will not be led by President Barack Husein Obama.

One of the WOC’s events will be a symposium on science and international maritime technology. “There will be 32 parallel sessions to discuss 610 papers,” said Aryo Hanggono, Maritime Technology Research Center chief at the Maritime and Fishery Department. Around 300 speakers will come from overseas.

The scientists will discuss various maritime issues, including marine life beings as sharks and stingrays, aqua culture, bio-technology, energy, coelacanth, CO2 sink, health and bio-medic, the Darwin and Wallace theories and the impact of climate change. The conference will also feature exhibitions on science and technology, the maritime industry, maritime festival, and maritime education for the youths in three research ships. According to Aryo, when the conference in Manado is finished, his department will organize maritime campaigns for youths in the country.


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