
Monday, March 30, 2009

RI exports tuna worths US$337.89 million

Denpasar (ANTARA News) - Indonesia`s tuna and skip jack tuna fish exports in 2008 reached 125,933 tons worth US$ 337,89 million, or up from 121,316 tons worth US$304.34 million a year earlier, fisheries official said.

Dr Ali Supardan, Fisheries Catch affairs Director General at Maritime and Fisheries Ministry made the statement here Monday, adding that the country`s fish export in the last four years (2005-2008) rose.

During the period, the fish export volume rose at the average of 12.43 percent, while its revenue was up by 11.53 percent, he said.

According to him, the country`s main fish export destinations were Japan, United States and European Union (EU).

In the meantime Supardan said the number of Indonesian fishing boats which were recorded in the "Indian Ocean Tuna commission (IOTC)" reached 874 units.

In addition, Widi A. Pratikto, Maritime and Fisheries Ministry secretary general said Indonesia has been participating in managing the tuna fishing in the Indian Ocean as well as supporting the fish conservation in the region.

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