
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Govt to tear down 250 illegal villas in Puncak

The Jakarta PostWed, 03/04/2009 4:05 PM   

BOGOR: State Minister for the Environment Rachmat Witoelar said Monday the government would demolish 250 illegal villas in Puncak, West Java, to restore the area as a conservation zone. 

The villas, from a total of 5,000 villas in Puncak, were built without permission on protected forest area located 300 meters above sea level. 

"I don't care if the villas belong to high-ranking officials. If we find any built without permits, we will tear them down," Rachmat said. 

"We will reforest the area to bring return it to its function as a conservation zone." 

West Java Deputy Governor Dede Yusuf said the local administration would send warning letters to the villa owners, and if after three warnings they did not respond, the administration would demolish the premises.

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