
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Govt to disburse last portion of direct cash assistance

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Wed, 03/11/2009 9:46 PM  

The government will channel direct cash assistance (BLT) funds to the poor for the January-February period through post offices this month, a senior minister told state news agency Antara Wednesday. 

Coordinating Minister for the People's Welfare Aburizal Bakri said the government would disburse a total of Rp 3.7 trillion (US$308,3 million) to 19.1 million targeted families. 

“The mechanism to distribute the funds is the same as last year,” he said after a meeting on the BLT assistance and economic stimulus. 

He said that the planned disbursement would end the government’s program to hand over the BLT funds for 2009. 

"With the BLT payments this month, the BLT program for 2009 is completed. This year, we set the funds for BLT at Rp3.7 trillion and for two months (January - February) only. Thereafter, there will be no more BLT handouts," the minister said. 

He said after the government had lowered the subsidized fuel oil prices three times, the House of Representatives approved only to extend the BLT program until January-February this year. 

The BLT program was launched by the government in June last year when fuel oil prices were raised due to the skyrocketing of the world crude price to US$140 per barrel. 

Around 19.1 million poor families throughout Indonesia were recorded to have received a cash assistance of Rp100,000 each plus cooking oil and sugar packages per month in compensation for the increased price of goods following the government's decision to raise domestic fuel oil prices. 

For its BLT program, the government had earmarked Rp41.1 trillion for distribution to the poor beginning in June, 2008. (ewd)

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