
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Online media most reliable source of info: survey

The Jakarta Post | Tue, 02/10/2009 3:40 PM  

Online media ranks as the most reliable source for news by businessmen in Indonesia, a survey says. 

The survey, conducted by Edelman Trustbarometer on 200 businessmen with a minimum income of Rp 30 million a month, says that 41 percent of its respondents voted for online media as the most reliable source of information, 40 percent voted television and 36 percent voted for company management reports. 

Edelman director Aditya Chandra Wardhana said the survey showed that most of the businessmen surveyed depended a lot on fast access to information in their decision making process. 

The businessmen, he said, thrived on breaking news related to government policies or events that had global reprecussions that could affect their businesses. 

"After they get the information, the would contact analysts," he said. 

The survey also shows that 77 percent of the respondents said that mass media is the most trusted source of information, more so compared to corporate, government or NGO reports. 

The Edelman survey has been carried out for 10 years and has an error margin of five percent. (and)

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