
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mazars Accounting Firm to Set Up Shop

The Jakarta Globe, Yohanes Obor, February 12, 2009 

France-based accounting firm Mazars is to enter Indonesia through a merger with the local arm of Moores Rowland, said executive Jon Mellows. 

Mazars will join the list of the big four international accounting firms that already have operations here. 

These are the practices of Purwantono, Sarwoko, Sandjaja, which are affiliated to Ernst & Young; Osman Bing Satrio, affiliated to Deloitte; Sidharta, Sidharta, Widjaja, affiliated to KPMG; and Haryanto Sahari, affiliated to Pricewaterhouse Coopers. 

“We have a strong commitment to developing high quality and international standard accounting services in Indonesia,” Mellows, a senior advisor to the group executive board of Mazars Asia Pacific, said on Wednesday. 

He said Indonesia was a key market place given its large corporations and population. 

Jon said that initially Mazars would only offer services to the banking and insurance sectors in Indonesia, as these were highly regulated, had complicated accounting procedures and required highly qualified professionals. 

Meanwhile, James Kallman, Mazars president director, said that the firm not only created added value by making profit, but also by serving clients and their needs, as well as those of the country. 

“Many accounting firms around the world only think about the money, which has destroyed the global economy currently,” he said. 

Mazars is the fifth largest accounting firm in Europe. It operates as a single, fully integrated partnership. 

“This is still unusual for an accounting firm, and, as such, Mazars is the largest integrated partnership in the world,” said Jon. 

Mazars employed 10,500 people in 50 different countries in 2008. It is a member of the Praxity alliance, which had a global turnover of over 2.3 billion euros ($3.2 billion) last year. Mazars’ global revenue in 2008 stood at 767 million euros.

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