
Sunday, February 08, 2009

Election ads cost KPU almost Rp 3.5 billion

Irawaty Wardany, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sun, 02/08/2009 11:24 AM  

The two newest advertisements were officially launched by the General Elections Commission (KPU) on Saturday. 

Gina and Omes, who star in Extravaganza, perform in the two TV ads titled, Rumpi Lapak and Contreng? Cincay lah! 

They will remind viewers to exercise their voting rights on April 9, when legislative elections will take place, and to be rational voters by carefully choosing candidates, whom they think are capable of making their vision and mission a reality. 

"The advertisements are aimed at young voters, women, disabled people and those living in rural areas," KPU member Endang Sulastri told a news conference. 

She said the ads started to be aired on Saturday morning on SCTV, Trans TV, Indosiar, Metro TV and TV One, and will run until April 8, the eve of election day. 

Metro TV and TV One are the KPU's official TV partners, while the other three won a contract from the elections body to air the ads. 

KPU member Andi Nurapati, said the two ads focus on familiarizing people with the new "checking" method of marking ballot papers. 

Even though voters are allowed to check the candidate's name, number or picture and political party logo, the ads emphasize checking the candidate's name. 

"The commercials are intended for the whole community and we do not want to confuse them with too many options in marking ballot papers," Andi said. 

Andi acknowledged the production of the ads was sponsored by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). 

She said UNDP aid was provided to the KPU in coordination with the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas). 

UNDP sector manager for political participation Dedi Yevri Sitorus, speaking at the press conference, said it cost some Rp 3.46 billion (US$293,2200 to produce and broadcast the ads. 

The UNDP, Bappenas and the KPU have prepared 316 commercial spots for the election ads. 

Endang said the KPU is currently producing more election ads and called on the State Ministry for Communications and Information to support this program.

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