
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rp2.1 Billion for Rebuilding Burnt Pertamina Storage Tanker

Wednesday, 21 January, 2009 | 16:30 WIB 

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: PT Pertamina has estimated that that Rp2.1 billion will be needed to rebuild the storage tanker at Pertamina's depot in Plumpang, North Jakarta, that was burnt on Sunday (18/1). 

Pertamina's Marketing and Commerce Director, Ahmad Faisal, said that the burnt storage tanker number 24 was built in 1995 with the capacity of 10,000 kiloliters. 

Earlier, Pertamina had predicted that rebuilding will cost Rp15 billion. 

“Hopefully the insurance can cover it,” said Faisal during a working meeting with the Energy Commission at the House of Representatives (DPR), on Wednesday (21/1). 

Pertamina is covered by the insurance company PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia, which is also a Pertamina's subsidiary company. 


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