
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Manokwari's Airport Operating Normally

Tuesday, 06 January, 2009 | 21:23 WIB 

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta:Rendani Airport in Manokwari, West Papua, is still operating normally despite the 7.2 earthquake on the scale Richter that struck the region last Sunday morning. "Generally speaking, it is still in good condition and operational," said head of Public Communications Center of the Transportation Department, Bambang S. Ervan, yesterday in Jakarta. 

Transportation Minister Jusman Syafii Djamal and Air Transportation director Tri Sunoko saw firsthand that the runway and the taxi way did not crack. The walls on the control tower suffered minor damage while communication with the tower continued to operate as usual. However, due to the frequent follow-up tremors, the officers would not stay at the top of the tower. "The tremors being around 5 on the Richter scale, they were quite strong and the officials refused to go up so the communications equipment, the VHF portable equipment were moved downstairs," Bambang explained. 

One window in the passenger terminal was broken. Damages, like cracks on the ceiling and half of the walls, were only visible at the fire fighters building. 

Meanwhile, facilities at the port area also suffered some damages. The old port sunk and shifted by 5 to 10 centimeters deep. The edges of the docks were also damaged by the friction. The new port area, however, remained in good condition. 

Sea Transportation Traffic director Leon Muhamad, who also visited the location, said the port is fully operational. "The 2009 budget will be used to rehabilitate the old port," Leon said. 


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