
Friday, January 02, 2009

Garuda set to hatch new flights

The Jakarta Post  |  Fri, 01/02/2009 8:58 PM  

Flag carrier Garuda Indonesia on Wednesday announced it would open 16 new routes this year, comprising 13 domestic and three international routes, as an initial step in its expansion plan until 2013. 

The new routes, to be opened in stages from Jan. 16, will be later supported with 14 new Boeing 737-NG passenger aircraft which are due to arrive mid-2009. 

"We need to establish a strong network, especially in the Indonesian region, so we can create new markets for our new planes more easily," Garuda spokesman Pujobroto told The Jakarta Post on Friday. 

Garuda currently operates 54 aircraft, including six new 737-NGs delivered last year. 

By 2013, Garuda plans to have 128 planes in its fleet, including 50 new 737-NGs and 10 new 737-300ERs that are currently under construction. 

Garuda launched its Yogyakarta - Singapore route on Dec. 16, and its Jakarta - Shanghai - Denpasar - Jakarta route on Dec. 20, to cash in on market opportunities over the holiday season. 

Mainly serving domestic routes, Garuda also provides flights to international destinations including Japan, Australia and the Middle East. 

Garuda had operated flights to six European cities before the European Commission (EC) in mid-2007 banned all Indonesian aircraft from entering European airspace on safety concerns following a spate of fatal accidents. 

Garuda's new routes for 2009 

  1.    Jakarta - Tanjungkarang (Lampung)
  2.    Jakarta - Malang (East Java)
  3.    Jakarta - Makassar - Kendari (Southeast Sulawesi )
  4.    Jakarta - Makassar - Gorontalo
  5.    Jakarta - Makassar - Sorong (Papua)
  6.    Jakarta - Makassar - Ambon (Maluku)
  7.    Jakarta - Makassar - Palu (Central Sulawesi )
  8.    Jakarta - Jambi
  9.    Jakarta - Manado - Ternate (Southeast Maluku )
  10.    Jakarta - Balikpapan - Tarakan
  11.    Jakarta - Pangkal Pinang
  12.    Denpasar - Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara)
  13.    Denpasar - Kupang (East Nusa Tenggara)
  14.    Denpasar - Adelaide (Australia)
  15.    Denpasar - Hong Kong
  16.    Surabaya - Hong Kong
  17.    Jakarta - Shanghai (China) - Denpasar - Jakarta (commenced Dec. 20, 2008)
  18.    Yogyakarta - Singapore (commenced Dec. 16, 2008). (hwa)

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