
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Chinese investor to build mega project in Bangka

Pangkalpinang (ANTARA News) - Fujian Mining Company (FMC) of China will build a waterfront city in Ketapang, Pangkalpinang, Bangka, Sumatra, with an investment of trillions of rupiahs. 

Pangkalpinang Mayor Zulkarnain Karim said here on Monday the project would include coast extension to be done through reclamation that would cover up to 1,674 hectares of land and would need up to 115 million cubic meters of sand and 679,000 cubic meters of rocks. 

"The waterfront city later will accommodate hotels, quays, business centers, houses, golf courses and others," he said. 

Zulkarnain said detailed technical designing activity had already been done some time ago while dredging activity as part of the reclamation process was expected to start in February 2009. 

The FMC in cooperation with a partner in Bangka has set up PT Bumi Pinang Indah to conduct marketing of the project. 

The local government meanwhile has issued a mining authority on a coastal area of 1,875 meter long and up to three miles wide from the coastal line that would be levelled. 

The sand of the coastal area to be used for reclamation is beleived to contain tin ores. The tin ores will be awarded to the private party after it pays its obligation to the state in the form of royalties and mining fee. 

Zulkarnain said reclamation was needed because of the limited area in Bangka while the area to be used for the project has a beautiful view and an easy access for export and import as well as tourism activities. 

"The WFC and its supporting facilities have been put up for competition. Various activities ahead of dredgings have already been carried out. We believe the project will run as planned judging from the strong commitment of the investors," he said.

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