
Sunday, January 25, 2009

BNI appointed WOC`s official bank

Manado, N Sulawesi (ANTARA News) - PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) has been appointed as the official bank of the World Ocean Conference (WOC) to be held here May 11-15, 2009, a local BNI official said. 

"BNI has networks in a number of countries and therefore it has been appointed as the official bank for the participants of the conference," Joppy Lamonge, head of the BNI`s Manado branch office, said here Saturday. 

He said the appointment was an appreciaion for the efforts BNI had made to constantly improve its services in addition to the fact that it had a wide network of offices in many countries. 

To give better service to the participants of WOC, Lamonge said the bank would open a number of special outlets at World Ocean Conference`s venue. 

"The outlets will facilitate the WOC participants to make quick and safe financial transactions during the world event in Manado," Lamonge said. 

Therefore, he said, the bank was now readying its human resources and sophisticated equipment for electronic financial transactions such as e-banking and the like. 

"E-banking is predicted to be one of effective ways for the WOC participants to make financial transactions," Lamonge said. 

Besides the special outlets, BNI branch offices in Manado would be optimized during the conference. 

"As many as 11 BNI branch offices and auxiliary branches across Manado will complete 38 automatic teller machines (ATM) which have been in operation so far," Lamonge added.

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