
Monday, December 15, 2008

Netherlands grants $20 million for education

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Mon, 12/15/2008 2:27 PM  

The Dutch government has awarded a grant of US$20 million to the Indonesian government to support its School Operational Assistance (BOS) scheme. 

Dutch Deputy Chief of Mission Ad Koekkoek said Monday the funds were given to boost the Indonesian government education program and to ensure each school uses its financial aid efficiently. 

Koekkoek said the grant would be used to develop school-based management capacity, which would allow schools to make decision democratically and cut through bureaucracy. 

"It's important that schools make their own decisions on how to manage the aid they receive," he said on the sidelines of a visit to a state elementary school in South Jakarta, as reported by 

Koekkoek added the Dutch grant would be channeled through the World Bank. (dre)

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