
Monday, November 24, 2008

Sea Wave Powered Electricity Generating Plant Delayed

Monday, 24 November, 2008 | 13:51 WIB 

TEMPO Interactive, Mataram: The installation of a sea wave powered electricity generating plant in the waters of Tanjung Menangis, Pringgabaya sub-district, Lombok Timur Regency, in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), will not be carried out this November. 

The reason for this is that the Kobold technology developer from Italy has asked for additional funds from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), which is funding the project. 

“UNIDO has been asked for more funds. Meanwhile, we cannot continue the project,” said Yusron Hadi, Head of the Sub Division of Natural and Environment Resources at NTB's Regional Development Planning Board, yesterday (23/11). 

Yusron explained that additional funds were needed because of the global economic crisis that had resulted in price fluctuations. 

He mentioned around EUR180,000 were allocated originally to address electricity needs of 138 units of house in Ketapang Hamlet. 

Kobold is a second prototype in the world and is made in Italy. 

The machine will be located 450 meters from the coastline at a depth of 25 meter depth. 

Making use of sea waves moving at 2.75 meters per second, this project will be managed by the Cahaya Baru Group.

With this technology, it is expected that 60 watt of electricity power can be distributed to every house. 

Kobold technology adopted the propeller concept turned by vertical sea waves that can produce 110 kilowatts of electricity power per hour. 

The first Kobold prototype project in Indonesia cost Rp8 billion and was started in January this year. 

Half of the project's cost was funded by UNIDO, with 30 percent from the Indonesian Government, 10 percent from the NTB Provincial Government, and 10 percent from the Lombok Timur Regency Government. 


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