
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Dutch-made corvette for Indonesian Navy sails to Indonesia

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - A Sigma-class Corvette III built in the Netherlands for the Indonesian Navy is scheduled to sail to Indonesia on Saturday (Oct. 18), a Navy spokesman said.

The corvette was officially delivered to the Indonesian Navy at a ceremony at the Schelde shipbuilding yard in Vlissingen, the Netherlands, recently. 

The Indonesian Navy was at the ceremony represented by Rear Admiral Lilik Supramono, commander of the Indonesian Navy`s Eastern Fleet, according to Commodore Iskandar Sitompul, spokesman of the Indonesian Naval Headquarters, who is now in the Netherlands, in a phone interview with ANTARA. 

"It`s expected the corvette baptized KRI Iskandar Muda will arrive in Indonesia on December 2, 2008, and take part activities to mark the Navy`s Anniversary on December 5," he said. 

Indonesia had ordered four missile-equipped corvettes from the Schelde naval shipyard in the Netherlands in January 2004. The first ship arrived in August last year, the second early this year, while the fourth ship is expected to arrive mid 2009. 

The first and second Sigma-class corvettes were named respectively KRI Diponegoro and KRI Hasanuddin during the visit of Defense Minister Juwono Sudarsono and Naval Chief of Staff Admiral Slamet Soebijanto in the Netherlands on September 14-18, 2006. 

The third Sigma-class corvette, KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda, was baptized by Commander of the Indonesian Defense Force (TNI) Marshal Djoko Suyanto in the Netherlands.

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