
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Germany grants 33 scholarships to Indonesian academician

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Federal Republic of Germany officially awarded German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) long-term scholarships to 33 young Indonesian academicians.

The awarding of the scholarships was held at the German embassy here during a farewell party for Mrs Ilona Krueger-Rechmann, Director of DAAD Jakarta Office who will be returning to her country in July this year.

Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation, the Indonesian scientists and professionals will take part in master`s or PhD programs at renowned German universities, German Charge d`Affaires to Indonesia Mr Hans Joerg Brunner said on the occasion.

The scholarship awardees had been selected by a joint Indonesian-German Committee of Scientists.

Since the beginning of the exchange program between the two countries several decades ago, about 25,000 Indonesian students and scientists have studied or done research work in Germany.

In the meantime, Mr Hans Joerg Brunner, the German Charge d`Affaires, in his address said the granting of the scholarships was a manifestation of the Indonesian-German close relations in the field of education.

Strengthening cooperation in the educational sector would contribute to the improvement of human resources in Indonesia. Development in many sectors could only materialize if it was supported with professional and skilled human resources, he said.

Not only in education, but his country would give more attention to economic cooperation, he said, adding the bilateral relations between the two countries were close and harmonious.

"In the future, not only Indonesian students continued their study in Germany, but German students will also get a similar opportunity in Indonesia, he said.

Nowadays, Germany is still popular as a place for higher education of Indonesians.

About 25,000 Indonesian students chosen German universities. Therefore, for Indonesian students, Germany was the first destination in Europe and the fourth in the world.

The German Academic Exchange Service is one of the world`s largest intermediary organization in the field of science and is also supporting the international academic exchange between Germany and other countries.

Under its different exchange programs, DAAD awards around 400 scholarships to Indonesians for academic studies and research work each year.

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