
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Indonesia to build four nuclear power plants by 2025

The Jakarta Post

Antara , Surakarta, Central Java | Wed, 03/12/2008 3:02 PM

The government plans to build four nuclear power plants by 2025 to meet electricity demand, State Minister for Research and Technology Kusmayanto Kadiman said Wednesday.

"If one nuclear power plant can produce 1,200 megawatts of electricity, we need four plants by 2025 to meet demand," he said during a visit to Surakarta's March 11 University.

"We have surveyed a number of sites for the nuclear plants including in northern Java and southern Kalimantan."

Kusmayanto said going nuclear was part of the country's 2004- 2025 long-term development plan.

The government plans to build the first nuclear power plant near Mt. Muria in Jepara, Central Java. The plant is expected to be operational by 2016 despite strong opposition from residents and environment activists.

"We have to start the construction this year. Otherwise, we will be behind schedule," Kusmayanto said.

"It is normal if there are parties who oppose the plan. We have prepared everything for the nuclear power plant from planning, technology, financing to human resources."

Indonesia currently has three nuclear reactors for scientific purposes in Bandung, Yogyakarta and Serpong, Banten.

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