
Thursday, February 14, 2008

RI navy to get used tanks from S. Korea

Surabaya, East Java (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian Navy will receive tens of used tanks of the LVT 7A2 type as a grant from South Korea, Navy Chief Admiral Sumardjono said.

"The South Korean grant of tanks is now still in the administrative processing phase. Besides, the Navy is also in the process of purchasing new tanks of the BMP3 type from Russia," Sumardjono said after installing Rear Admiral Lili Supramono as the Navy`s Eastern Fleet commander and Commodore Bambang Supeno as chief of the Navy`s Seaborne command here on Thursday.

He said , although the South Korean tanks -- made in 1984-- were to be provided as a grant, the Navy would still study their battle worthiness.

Before being used by the Navy, the tanks had to pass battle worthiness tests. "We hope that the tanks will be handed over as soon as possible," the four-star admiral said.

In the meantime, Navy spokesman Commodore Iskandar Sitompul said the Navy still did not know the exact number of tanks it would get from South Korea and when they were to be used.

"Everything is still in an administrative processing phase. We cannot yet ascertain when they are to be sent to Indonesia," he said.

On the conditions of the Navy`s weaponry, Sumardjono said about 70 percent of the Navy`s armament system had been rejuvenated between 1989 and 1997.

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