
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Philips launches energy saving campaign

Dicky Christanto, The Jakarta Post, Denpasar

PT Philips Indonesia, an electronic appliances manufacturer, on Tuesday conducted an energy saving event at a Denpasar elementary school, hoping to increase awareness on the importance of using energy smartly and efficiently, as well as on the issue of global warming.

"We choose schools because there is the very future of our civilization, the children. Therefore, we feel obliged to tell them not to waste energy, starting with how to choose energy-saving lamps for daily usage," marketing director and vice president of Philips Lighting Asia Pacific , Frank Spikker, told reporters.

He said by consistently using eco-friendly lighting products, consumers were joining the global fight against global warming.

The event was held at Pemecutan elementary school in Denpasar. The program, which included a drawing contest, free eye exams for the students and the presentation of lighting products and a cash donation to the school, was held in parallel with company promotional event at a nearby shopping mall.

More than 20 lighting products and as much as Rp 10 million were donated to the school.

The schoolchildren eagerly participated in the event, particularly when a company representative led them in singing children's songs.

Principal I Wayan Patra Yasa praised the company for organizing the event.

"I really hope that a big company like Philips can support us more in conducting the education process here," he said.

A senior marketing manager at the company, Hendra Kresna, said a team from the company had been tasked with monitoring its energy saving campaign.

"We will not stop here, there are still many cities and places we have to visit. It is our contribution to the global fight against global warming," he said.

The company has allocated US$1 billion to improve eco-friendly technology through its research and development department up until 2012, almost three times higher than the 400 million euros it allocated in the past five years.

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