
Monday, February 04, 2008

NGO needs wood for house construction

MEDAN, North Sumatra (Jakarta Post) : Caritas Swiss foreign non-governmental organization needs 4,000 square meters of wood to build permanent houses for quake victims in Singkil, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.

Caritas Swiss' Medan office head Gian Reto Capaul said the wood was badly needed to help speed up the construction of the houses.

Of the 590 houses to be built, only 100 has thus far been completed, he said, adding that they would be given to quake victims in Singkil on Wednesday.

"Most wood used to build the houses in Singkil is imported from New Zealand and some is shipped from Kalimantan," Reto said Saturday.

Reto reiterated that his organization never used wood taken from illegal logging practices.

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