
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Unicef presents three school buildings to Aceh

Banda Aceh (ANTARA News) - The United Nations Children`s Fund (Unicef) presented three school buildings to the Aceh authorities on Wednesday and Thursday.

The new buildngs were to house the Dayah Baro Islamic school, the Alue elementary school in Krueng Sabee sub district, and the Patek elementary school in Sampoinet sub district.

The head of Unicef`s Meulaboh office, Praful Soni, symbolically handed the school buildings to H. T. Rusdi of the Aceh Jaya district administration.

Unicef had planned to build a total of 346 school buildings in Aceh and Nias Island which were devastated by a 8.9-magnitude earthquake and a subsequent tsunami in December 2004.

Up to January 30, 2008, Unicef had constructed 30 school buildings, including 15 in Aceh Jaya district, 10 in Aceh Barat district, and 5 in Nagan Raya district.

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