
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Singapore invests Rp79 billion in clean water project in Bangka

Pangkalpinang, Bangka Province (ANTARA News) - A Singaporean company, Darco Corporation, has invested Rp79 billion in a clean water installation project in Pangkalpinang, Bangka Province, Sumatra with a capacity of 350 liters per second.

Pangkalpinang Mayor Zulkarnain Karim said here on Tuesday the water plant would be able to supply 350 liters per second to the public. The plant, expected to be completed in May 2008, would get water from water sources in Kacang Pedang, Mangkol and Pedindang.

The Bangka provincial administration had allocated Rp8 billion and the Pangkalpinang city administration Rp15 billion for the city`s water supply plant for the 2008 budget.

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