
Sunday, January 27, 2008

SIA scholarship boosts drive to learn

Kurniawan Hari, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Five senior high school students stand nervously in front of a counter at a finance office while others sit on a nearby bench, chatting with their friends. They are each waiting for their turn to receive a cash scholarship.

The students are recipients of a scholarship package provided by Singapore Airlines (SIA) under its Singapore Airlines for Education (SIAP) program.

The scholarship is distributed by Inke Maris & Associates, SIA's communications partner.

"I am thankful to Singapore Airlines for giving me the scholarship. Had the company not given me the scholarship, I would not be able to continue my education," said Kamalia, a student at SMUN 40 state senior high school in North Jakarta.

Takbir Ali Sahbana, a student with SMAN 111 state senior high school, also in North Jakarta, said the scholarship helped lift his parents' financial burden.

"With the scholarship, I can buy books and school uniforms," he said.

Kamalia and Takbir are among the 203 students who received the SIAP scholarship. The students, mostly from poor families in North Jakarta, have been relying on the scholarship for the past seven years to pursue their education.

When they were first given the scholarship in 2000, the students were still in elementary school; today, they are attending senior high school and will graduate this June.

SIA came up with the scholarship idea after realizing that a great many Indonesian students had dropped out from schools following the financial crisis in 1997.

"SIA has been committed to giving Rp 10 billion to the scholarship ... to help (students) study for seven years," said Inke Maris, adding that, "In return, they have to achieve high academic records."

Accordingly, the students are required to provide their progress report each semester.

Apart from providing scholarship to high school students, SIA also funds 67 university students in Manado, North Sulawesi, and in Surabaya, East Java.

"This year, SIA will review the scholarship program before deciding whether to continue or to stop it," said Erica Jurief, Inke Maris & Associates consultant for SIA.

Students said they wished SIA would continue the scholarship program, because in addition to lifting their financial burdens, it also helps improve their self-confidence.

"The scholarship makes me an enthusiastic person. I wish I can continue my studies," said Gigih Pambudi, an SIAP scholarship recipient.

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