
Friday, January 18, 2008

PLN introduces pre-paid billing

BANDUNG (Jakarta Post): State electricity company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) has introduced Thursday its first pre-paid billing system for home customers through Bank Bukopin.

The president directors of PLN and Bank Bukopin, Eddie Widiono and Glen Glenardi, signed the agreement in Bandung.

Eddie said the new billing system was similar to pre-paid credit vouchers for cellular phones, which are basically aimed at helping customers monitor their monthly spending.

"The system is expected to help customers budget their monthly electricity bill with greater ease and convenience," he said.

Eddie said PLN planned to roll out the system for its 36 million customers across the country, but that at least until the middle of this year the new system would only be available to West Java customers.

Eddie said the pre-paid billing system had previously had test runs in Bali, Batam and Tarakan, before its official launch.

"First, we are targeting home customers because they account for 98 percent of PLN's total customers," said Eddie, adding that home customers used some 110 billion kilowatts per hour in 2007.

Glen said Bank Bukopin would offer electricity vouchers in values of Rp 20,000 (US$1.80), Rp 50,000, Rp 100,000, Rp 250,000 and Rp 500,000. He said the vouchers would be available at all of the bank's ATMs in Bandung. (yts)

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