
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Emission Zones to be Applied Next Year

Friday, 28 December, 2007 | 16:45 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: Jakarta's Regional Environment Management Agency (BPLHD) will apply the emission zone concept next year. BPLHD's Head, Rama Natakusumah, said that his side has not yet confirmed when the emission zone will be effective. “Now we’re educating the public. But we're attempting it to be as soon as possible,” he told Tempo via telephone, Friday (28/12).

By this zoning, said Budi, vehicles which are without emission-free stickers will be forbidden to enter certain areas. “Later, entering parking or offices will also be forbidden for vehicles without stickers,” he said.

Starting January 1, 2008, BPLHD will hand over the emission test to private parties. “We are cooperating with the Indonesian Auto Repair Shop Association and the Indonesian Vehicle Industry Association,” said Budi. BPHLD will limit its role as regulator and supervisor. “Starting from emission test to sticker printing, we submit to them,” he said. So far there have already been 214 repair shops that can conduct emission testing.

BPHLD will also make efforts regarding implementing Decree No.14/1994 on Traffic and Transportation. According to the decree, vehicles that do not meet the emission standard can be charged with a Rp2 million fine or three months of detention.


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