
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

JPR giving training in disaster mitigation in Banjarmasin

Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan (ANTARA News) - Japan`s Paramedical Rescue (JPR) in cooperation with the Kobi Indonesian Friendship Association (KIFA) is providing training on disaster mitigation in Banjarmasin.

The two-day training was held in the front yard of the Banjarmasin mayor`s office where JPR instructors demonstrated ways to handle disasters, a local official said here on Wednesday.

Participants of the training included paramedics, fire brigade officers and members of the Search and Rescue Team from the Navy, e Army and Police.

Seven Japanese instructors led by Kiyoshi Masai trained the Indonesians on how to deal with disasters such as forest fires, earthquakes, floods and traffic accidents.

JPR was among the best rescue team in Japan because it integrated rescue efforts and emergency medical help, Itoka Takao, KIFA`s coordinator, said.

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