
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Children's conference focuses on bullying

Agnes Winarti, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Thirty-six elementary school students from around the archipelago are participating in the 7th National Children's Conference organized by children's magazine Bobo from Nov. 25 to 29, focusing on the problem of bullying.

Students were selected from 1,515 fourth to sixth graders who submitted writings about bullying to the magazine.

Selected students come from Bandar Lampung, Banten, Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Malang, Bali, Banjarmasin, Riau, Nias, Pekanbaru, Kupang, Manado and Papua.

"There is a considerable possibility that every child has experienced being bullied physically, verbally or non-verbally at some stage. Yet, only a few people are aware of what exactly bullying is, its impact and how to handle it," Bobo chief editor Koes Sabandiyah said Monday.

"Bullying can cause depression and trauma in a bullied child, while the bullier can grow into a violent person with no empathy. For the sake of our smart generation of future leaders, we want to take an active role in campaigning 'Stop Bullying' among children," she said.

On the last day of the conference a declaration to end bullying, drafted by the 36 student attendees, will be presented to the wife of Indonesia's vice president, Mufidah Yusuf Kalla.

The Children's Conference has been an annual event of Bobo magazine since 2001.

Last year the conference was held with the theme "Disaster Concern", while in previous years it was "Saving Energy", "If I was President", "Making Friends in the Context of Pluralism", "Healthy Living" and "The Environment".

The conference is hoped to provide a forum for children to gain an awareness of youth issues and to practice voicing their opinions.

Parents and teachers accompanying the selected students are also involved in the conference by participating in a discussion led by a team of psychologists to learn more about bullying.

Febrina, 34, a part-time lecturer and a mother of one of the selected students from Pekanbaru, Riau, said, "I don't think there are any teachers and parents back in my town who know the term 'bullying'. I've just learned about it also, right here, right now."

More information visit:

Bobo Magazine Secretariat Gd. Gramedia Majalah 1st Fl.
Jl. Panjang No. 8A Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta
Ph: 021-5330150, 5330170, #32126

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