
Friday, October 26, 2007

Save the Children builds 41 schools in Aceh

Banda Aceh (ANTARA News) - International non-governmental organization Save the Children is reported to have built some 41 schools in a number of areas across Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province.

The organization`s spokesman, Mark Fritzler, said here on Friday that of the 41 schools, 19 were already being used for teaching and learning activities.

"We are happy we can help children in Aceh resume their schooling after their school buildings were obliterated by the December 26, 2004 powerful earthquake and the ensuing devastating tsunami," Mark Fritzler said.

He expressed hope that the schools which had been and were going to be built in Aceh would help Aceh children get a better education that would ensure them of a better future.

Constructing the schools in Aceh is part of the Save the Children`s program which covers child protection, provision of health services, livelihood support and public food resilience.

In addition, Save the Children also organized teachers` training and comparative study programs.

Mark said he had also signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Pidi Jaya district administration through the local education office on the construction of a permanent elementary school at Cot Lheu Rheng village in Trienggadeng sub district.

He said construction of the permanent school was expected to be finished by March 2008.

While waiting for the completion of the permanent school, Mark said, his organization had to build temporary schools to enable local children to continue their studies.

"Although we have to face many challenges, Save the Children will do its best for children in Aceh," Mark said, adding that the organization had been operating in the province for more than 30 years.

The international Save the Children alliance is the world`s largest independent movement for children and works in over 100 countries , often with local and other partner organizations.

Save the Children has been working with conflict-affected people in Indonesia since 1999 and centered its work in Aceh on disaster response following the Indian Ocean tsunami.

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