
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

KADIN calls for speedy improvement of sea-port facilities

Nanning, China (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) has urged the government to soon improve facilities at Indonesian seaports as they were no longer adequate, thus often causing delays in the delivery of Indonesian exports.

"We want our sea transportation system to be improved, including its infrastructure as many export commodities such as coal, crude palm oil, oil and gas often get stuck due to conditions at our sea ports," KADIN Chairman MS Hidayat said here on Monday.

He made the statement amid the ongoing fourth China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) being held here October 28-31.

He said the government should also improve sea port facilities to prevent stagnation in the country`s exports.

Because of late delivery, Indonesian crude palm oil exports were often subjected to price deductions, he said

"Our crude palm oil businessmen often complain as their selling price are often deducted for arriving late," he said.

He said foreign importers preferred to buy the commodity from Malaysia as the latter always sent their commodity on time.

He added the transportation minister was trying to help solve the problem by calling on Chinese businessmen to invest in sea ports in Indonesia so their facilities could be improved.

The fourth expo which opened on Sunday aimed to enhance regional cooperation in port development.

It is meant to serve as a forum for cooperation between China and ASEAN in both trade and investment as well to speed up the conclusion of a China-ASEAB Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA).

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