
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

IPB, Taiwan open university farm in Bogor

Bogor, W Java (ANTARA News) - The Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB) in cooperation with Taiwan`s technical mission in Indonesia here Wednesday opened an agribusiness development center, University Farm, in Cikarawang village, which will help the products of Indonesian farmers gain access to both local and international markets.

The center`s opening was marked by a ceremony attended by IPB Rector Prof Dr Ir Ahmad Ansori Mattjik, the chairman of the Taipei Economic and Trade Office (TETO) Indonesia, Yang Chin Tien, and the secretary general of the Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF), Chen Cheng Chong.

Chen said the 10-hectare agribusiness center would serve as an agribusiness model, training venue for students and farmers as well as a marketing center for agricultural products.

He said the center would not only be a research center for academics but also for the overseas marketing of agricultural products.

Therefore, the center`s development would take years, he said.

He also expressed hope there would be cooperation between the two parties in the field of agriculture.

University Farm was built on land provided by IPB. Taiwan provided US$300,000 in funds for its physical development while its facilities and experts were contributed by IPB.

Ahmad Ansori Mattjik, meanwhile, said the agribusiness center was a realization of the concept of ABGC (Academic, Business, Government for Community) developed by IPB.

"We hope what we will develop here can be passed on to local farmers," he added.

The head of University Farm IPB, Anas D Susila, said the center would soon organize a training course on asparagus and organic vegetables cultivation.

The cooperation between IPB and Taiwan will last six years and end in 2011.

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