
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Governments Targets Self-Sufficiency in Beef by 2010

Monday, 22 October, 2007 | 13:02 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: The Director General of Husbandry at the Agriculture Department, Tjeppy Daradjatun, is targeting self-sufficiency in beef by 2010.

We actually have the potential,” he said last week.

In order to reach this target, the government will bring in productive female cow from abroad.

“Australian cows have climatic and territorial similarities with those of Indonesia,” said Tjeppy.

The implementation is that productive female cows as acceptors will be increased in number.

“It is not a question of slaughtering productive cows,” said Tjeppy.

Currently, many cow breeders sent their productive female cows to be slaughtered for economic reasons.

“Thus, an assortment is necessary,” he said.

For breeder who have productive female cows and intend to sell them, the cows will be purchased by the government.

Then, the cows will be sold back to other breeders on condition that they are not sent to be slaughtered.

As regards the area for female cow breeding, this will probably be in Eastern Indonesian as it is near Australia.

Aguslia Hidayah

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