
Friday, September 28, 2007

Bridge project deal to be signed in Oct.

Multa Fidrus, The Jakarta Post, Banten

The Banten and Lampung provincial administrations are expected to sign an agreement with PT Artha Graha Network early next month on the construction of a bridge spanning the Sunda Strait separating Java and Sumatra.

Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiah said Thursday a precise date for the signing had not been set because they were still waiting for confirmation from the Transportation Ministry.

Atut earlier said the signing was scheduled for Oct. 3 but the ministry requested another date because Transportation Minister Jusman Safei Djamal was scheduled to attend a Cabinet meeting the same day.

The governor said Minister Jusman wanted to be in attendance when the agreement was signed on the long-awaited bridge connecting Java and Sumatra.

"We will need to coordinate with all related parties to discuss a convenient time for all of us. The Transportation Ministry has a great interest in this project. This inter-province infrastructure project is under the ministry's authority," she said.

Representatives from the National Development Planning Board are also expected to witness the signing of the agreement, the governor said.

Banten Council Speaker Adi Suryadharma said every governor and provincial council speaker from Java and Sumatra islands would attend the signing.

It is hoped construction on the US$10 billion bridge can begin in 2009 and be completed within five years.

PT Artha Graha Network, owned by Tommy Winata, is the only company that showed interest in investing in the Rp 94 trillion project.

The bridge will cross over several small islands, including Ular, Sanghyang and Prajurit, and will have six lanes for vehicles and a lane for pedestrians.

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